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Home Forums Network Marketing Success Stories From Zero to Hero: My Journey to Financial Freedom

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  • #3060
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    User AvatarPrudencia Ambang

    Website Launched

    I launched my website a few months ago. prudenciaambang.com is all about my current projects and also to provide resources to help business owners, network marketers, investors and entrepreneurs start and grow their business online.

    My Entrepreneur Journey

    I started my network marketing journey since 2009 with products network marketing and have known some successes and failures. I have always wanted to have a business of my own and help others along the way. In my life’s journey, I have lost a lot of money, time and energy trying to make money in order to be financially free and better the living conditions of my family. In the course of that, I have been in and out of jobs, in and out of network marketing companies from health and wellness industries to other products and services not to leave out crowd funding programs.

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